Trees: Lifeblood of the Environment
It is a common knowledge that trees are very important for not only for our environment but also for ourselves. From the very moment that we were born, trees and other plants have already proven themselves as essentials parts of our lives. Our very existence is made possible because of them. It can even be said to some extent that the trees are the ones providing us life.
Aside from its ability to give us life, there are still other things that trees can do that are very beneficial to the environment. For instance, trees can combat climate change. Although, there are some people that do not believe in climate change, the fact that there is a rapid decline of the state of our environment cannot be changed. As we all know that this gradual change in the environment is brought about by human actions. There are more factories in the world than one could count, which are emitting dangerous carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air that traps the heat within the earth. This then causes an increase in temperature which in turn could prove to be very dangerous as we are actually experiencing right now. This where the roles of the trees become very important. Trees can actually absorb carbon dioxide at the same time release the much-needed oxygen.
Another obvious use of trees is their ability to shade people from direct sunlight. Sunlight does carry nutrients however after a certain period of time it instead of nutrient it will actually carry ultra-violet rays. Ultraviolet rays from the sun are very dangerous for humans. It can cause skin cancer. However, trees can reduce exposure to ultra-violet rays by fifty percent if you are under their shade.
Having trees near homes and buildings can also help in conserving energy. Since trees provide shade and actually trap cool air within a certain area, your house will become significantly cooler if you have trees nearby. This then means that you will be able to cut back the use of air conditioners and in turn help in reducing the amount of carbon dioxide released by power plants that supply your electricity.
Trees can not only help when it comes to our health and decrease energy consumption, it can also increase the value of the property where it stands. It adds a certain aesthetic value to the property and according to some survey, it has the ability to increase the value up to twenty percent.
These are only some the reasons why we must plant trees not only on forests but also on our very own backyards. However, some could grow extremely tall and big so upkeep becomes difficult. But there are companies which provide services when it comes to tree service, like pruning and maintenance. These types of companies offer various services that involve tree pruning, removal of fallen trees due to storms, and much more. That’s why it is no longer a hassle to maintain trees in our backyards.
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